Red Dead Redemption 2 continues to find success, as it has taken the number one spot on the UK sales charts again. The game sold more physical copi ...
When it was first announced, the PlayStation Classic only had five of its 20 total games revealed. After we speculated on what games might be include ...
Marina Makarevskaya recently contacted me about her new puzzle app game Falling Moods. The object is to tap on the emoji faces on top and have them fa ...
Give the gift of New Nintendo 2DS XL, now with Mario Kart 7 pre-installed for only $149.99 OR Nintendo 2DS bundle starting at $79.99!
Happy Holidays ...
Fallout 76 marks a new step for the series, forgoing core tenets such as NPCs and a traditional narrative in favor of a shared open-world. What happe ...
The most recent Fortnite update promised that the end of Fortnitemares would be an eventful one. No information was given to players beforehand, othe ...
Frogwares is a studio with a storied history making Sherlock Holmes games. They’ve been allowing people to investigate those intellectual myst ...
Sony has reveled that the PS4 has officially outsold the PS3 in terms of lifetime sales. The system, which is still very popular, is headed into a bu ...
Join the world of Nintendo this holiday with great Nintendo characters on New Nintendo 2DS XL, now with Mario Kart 7 pre-installed.
Happy Holidays fr ...
In case you missed our coverage yesterday, BlizzCon?s biggest announcement came in the form of Diablo: Immortal, it?s spin on bringing the Diablo game ...