Co-Op Shooter Outriders Gets Brief Clips Showcasing Classes
Square Enix and People Can Fly have shared brief gameplay clips from their upcoming cross-gen shooter, Outriders, showcasing its classes and their pow ...
20-04-2020 16:01
20-04-2020 16:02
Call of Duty: Warzone’s Console Players Are Having to
Despite Infinity Ward?s recent hefty ban wave, Call of Duty: Warzone?s console players are having their experience marred by cheaters on PC, and are r ...
20-04-2020 16:01
‘Kingdom Two Crowns: Dead Lands’ Brings a ‘
We’ve been looking forward to Kingdom Two Crowns ...
20-04-2020 16:01
Report: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Has Already Been Remastere
Known insider TheGamingRevolution, who?s usually bang on the money when it comes to Call of Duty reports, has published a new video with further infor ...
20-04-2020 16:01
The ‘Danganronpa’ Trilogy Is Coming to iOS and A
The Danganronpa franchise has one of my favourite stories in gaming. Originally releaed outside Japan on PS Vita before seeing ports to PS4 and PC, Da ...
20-04-2020 16:01
Help Will Come Tomorrow - Release Gameplay Trailer | PS4
In an uninhabitable Siberian wilderness, in the wake of the October Revolution, a group of passengers survives a mysterious catastrophe of a Trans-Sib ...
20-04-2020 16:10
Report: Some Originally Planned E3 2020 Reveals Will Be Roll
Reportedly, some of the news that was initially meant to come out of E3 2020 will go live a bit earlier than planned. Of course, there are reveals tha ...
20-04-2020 16:01
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Personalize Your Island! - N
Your island is what you make of it in Animal Crossing: New Horizons! Personalize your home just the way you want, then kick back, relax, and soak it a ...
20-04-2020 16:12
Ubisoft Is Making a Movie About Senior Citizens Playing Espo
Ubisoft has teamed up with the duo behind 2018?s comedy, I Feel Pretty, to make a movie about senior citizens in esports, according to Deadline and T ...
20-04-2020 16:01
Sky: Children of the Light’s Season of Enchantment Is
Sky: Children of the Light here and on iOS on the App Store here. Check out our forum thread for more discussion around the game. We featured it as o ...
20-04-2020 16:01
Former Naughty Dog Dev Says Crysis Influenced Uncharted 4
The recent news of Crysis being remastered late in the current-gen console cycle took many by surprise. There is some speculation about the announceme ...
20-04-2020 16:01
20-04-2020 16:01
The Website for PS4 Exclusive WiLD Appears to Have Been Rece
Michel Ancel?s PlayStation 4 exclusive WiLD is a bit of a mystery. Announced at gamescom 2014, little is known about the title and just as people star ...
20-04-2020 16:01
Recent Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 ‘Leaker’ Admi
Over the weekend, the internet, especially social media, was abuzz with claims concerning Marvel?s Spider-Man 2 from Insomniac Games. The rumors came ...
20-04-2020 16:01
Xbox One X Cyberpunk 2077 Limited Edition Bundle
Own the 1TB Xbox One X Cyberpunk 2077 Limited Edition Bundle. Available June 2020.
Audio Description: ...
20-04-2020 16:12