Freelance journalist Bex April May inadvertently ended up recording the unboxing of an air fryer out of an Amazon UK package that should have housed a ...
Whenever Yunus Ayyildiz publishes a puzzle game, it\'s time to celebrate. Scroll to the bottom to see his previous games. hocus 2 picks up from the ...
Over the weekend, Square Enix announced a remaster of the original PlayStation classic in the form of SaGa Frontier Remastered for iOS, Android, PS4, ...
Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.4, Futures Rewritten, will release on December 8th with new content including main scenario q ...
As the PlayStation 5 shortage and scalper fiasco continues, eBay has issued a warning to sellers defrauding customers with photos of the console.
Euro ...
Square Enix has announced that it?s remastering 1997/98 PlayStation classic, SaGa Frontier, for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile dev ...
Back in September, SEGA announced a brand new Sakura Wars game for iOS and Android in Japan called Sakura Kakumei. The Sakura Wars had an excellent P ...
John Bautista, a former developer at Sony?s not-so-secret-anymore San Diego studio, found himself in a bit of a quagmire when a two-week old tweet ann ...
Bungie CEO Pete Parsons has revealed that the developer began to ?incubate the potential? for new titles and talent about three years ago ? prior to i ...