So it begins. Cyberpunk 2077?s console launch needs no introduction (see our previous coverage for more), and players are understandably upset. A numb ...
Vblank Entertainment has announced that its 16-bit action-adventure, Shakedown: Hawaii, will release on the PlayStation 5 on Tuesday, December 15th.
After being backed into a corner all weekend by players, certain members of the press, and investors, Cyberpunk 2077 developers have issued a mea culp ...
Pilots! STAR WARS?: Squadrons has received two major updates. From today:
- The New Republic B-wing and Imperial TIE defender have joined the fray.
- ...
If rumors turned out to be true, we would have seen FromSoftware?s Elden Ring at multiple events this year, but that didn?t happen and there?s no word ...
Despite Cyberpunk 2077?s controversial launch on consoles, CD Projekt RED is happy with how the game has been received on Metacritic thus far (read: h ...
Embrace the power of the Werewolf in Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood. Learn more about the forms, abilities, and skills of Cahal, an exiled were ...
Pilots! STAR WARS?: Squadrons has received two major updates. From today -
- The New Republic B-wing and Imperial TIE defender have joined the fray.
- ...
Cygames announced at Granblue Fantasy Fes 2020 that its upcoming action-RPG, Granblue Fantasy: Relink, will release on both the PlayStation 4 and P ...