Releasing at the tail end of the year, the PS5 got a few titles under its belt before the year ended. Though many of the year?s biggest hits like The ...
The Most Anticipated Game category is a fascinating one that can dictate the following year?s game of the year list and set up which games will be the ...
Expert archer Green Arrow will join the Fortnite Crew in January?s Pack featuring his iconic look as well as the Tactical Quiver Back Bling plus Style ...
As a closer to 2020, this week has been a long week of PSLS year-end awards, and we?ve honored plenty of great releases. Even if games didn?t win, jus ...
Platform exclusives are most people?s reason for choosing one console over another. Consoles are so similar in power and performance, that it?s the ga ...
Whether its developing games with internal studios or funding and assisting with external releases, publishers are huge parts of the video game indust ...
Ever wondered what God of War would look like in first-person view" Wonder no more! YouTube user Speclizer (via SP1st) has published eight minutes of ...